Sometimes an envelope comes in and when I open it, the art inside blows me away. Never more so than the package I received yesterday from Mr Cavin, in Washington DC, USA.
Everything about the contents oozed class, so I've not only published the four cards that Mr Cavin drew but everything else that came with it. All illustrations are in ink.
"The Process #1: Materials"

"In every block of marble I see a statue as plain as though it stood before me, shaped and perfect in attitude and action. I have only to hew away the rough walls that imprison the lovely apparition to reveal it to other eyes as mine see it." - Michelangelo
"All works of nature created by God in Heaven and Earth are works of sculpture." - Benvenuto Cellini
"The Process #2: Construction"

"The Process #3: Fluids"

"The Process #4: Electricity"

Here are the extra details that made the package so enjoyable.
The first two are protective backers that held the cards safely in transit. Does V.F. stand for Victor Frankenstein?

This is a drawing that was on the greetings card that Mr Cavin wrote his message on.

And finally, even the envelope was beautifully illustrated

Mr Cavin wrote that he has been following "A Patchwork Of Flesh" since about gallery 14 when he was traveling in Southern Vietnam, making it difficult to send an entry himself. He put the project off until his return to the States and has spent weeks producing these pieces of art.
A big thanks to him for the time and effort he has obviously put into them, I'm sure you'll all agree it was time well spent and that the results are gorgeous.