Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Gallery 107

Wow, after a wait of almost a month, I've received a package of monsters in the mail.
They come from Suzie Garner who is an art teacher at Mesa State College in Grand Junction, Colorado, USA.

Suzie writes, "I gave this as an assignment to my sketchbook students. I gave them the cards and I told my students that I would pay the postage on their submissions if they wanted to participate. They have the option of keeping them too. Most of my students are typical college age around 21 to 23 I think. They tend to be at least 21 in that class since there are some prerequisites to get into the course. So they are juniors and seniors typically. The class itself is called "ARTS 360 Sketchbook"

The first submission is Suzie's own, followed by a selection of works that she sent me as email attachments. These are the cards that her students decided to keep I think, as they were not in the envelope I received today. I will scan the cards that arrived in the post and upload them over the course of the week.

Susie Garner "Homage to Karloff's Monster"

Molly McGrath

Nathan Brunetti

Timothy Ball

Andrea Wilkins

Egan Metzger


  1. Hah! Great bunch. Glad to see more submissions. Fun stuff!

  2. It's really gratifying to get such a trove after waiting so long. Looking forward to the whole week now.


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